Friday, August 29, 2014


     Hey guys!! Just another post from me!! I tried to go with a blog that was more of a "free for all" sort of thing..but I don't think it is working out too well. So, my idea is that I have specific days that I blog about specific things. Like beauty posts on Monday, fashion posts on Saturday, and food posts on Wednesday...get the point??? I think the days where I won't post something in my blog for sure are Tuesday and Thursday; just a heads up. Well, I think I will try doing that, and I hope that it will work out.
     Aside from that boring stuff, today will be fun Friday...cheeeeeeesy I know..but I still think it's a cute name. Fun Friday is all about fun events, fun places to go for vacation, fun things to do, and just FUN in general!!!~ So today's fun fact..haha.. I had to laugh because it was just that cliche. I keep distracting myself..STOP IT SHANA!! Anyways, today's fun thing to do is the ALS ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!!! Ok, some of you may be thinking right about now that this challenge is not just for the heck of someone dumping loads of ice on them-self, BUT that it's actually for a good cause. I know that too! I just want to encourage you guys to do the ALS ice bucket challenge if you are nominated to help the awareness of this disease. If you guys REALLY don't want to accept the challenge, you can try to donate to the organization. Just some back ground information....ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and it's a neurodegenerative disease (meaning that people with ALS will gradually lose the function of their brain....leading to death.) I know, I's super sad. But I wanted to let you guys know that you guys can make a change. But to end on a much more happier note. Watch these celebrities taking on the ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!!!~ ^_^

Thursday, August 28, 2014


So I am officially a junior in high school!!! To be honest, I still can't believe that I am not a fish in high school anymore!! I am not a shark yet, BUT I will be next year! (For those of you who don't know what a fish or a shark is....a fish is a freshman and a shark is a senior. ^_^) I seem to accidentally introduce myself to others as a sophomore....I have to work on that. Aside from my realization of being "almost" through with high school, I think that the academic things in junior year will live up to the scary expectations..sadly. Well, I am not 100% sure on that because it's only been 3 days since school started, but I have a feeling that some of my classes will force me to stay up til 2 or 3 in the morning. I am NOT exaggerating!! Last year I took this class called WHAP..yes WHAP! Anyways, it stands for AP world history, and MAN was that tough!!! If I ever, and I mean ever have to take that class again..I will hurt somebody!!! >.< I hope I don't have to hurt somebody, but if that WHAP shows all know what's coming...Well I guess I will end on that sad/creepy/omg she is coming after me note. :P 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I am technically writing a blog to nobody, but what ever....Anyways, school is starting like SUPER soon and I am getting quite anxious about it. Everything about school is stressful especially because I am about to become a junior. SAT and prom and college essays are speeding my way! OMG!!!!!!!!! If anybody can give me advice on how to survive junior year....please do comment!~ Thx!!!~